
Review our challenges or propose your project

At Alianza Team®, we are looking for challenging teams to assist us in tackling the following problems:


Review our challenges or propose your project

At Alianza Team®, we are looking for challenging teams to assist us in tackling the following problems:

Open challenges

Open challenges

Closed challenges

Unveiling the Power of Lipids in Emerging Categories


We actively engage in the exploration of innovative products within emerging categories where lipids play a significant role, as they have the power to enhance properties and provide unique benefits to conscious consumers. Venturing into this dynamic realm, we uncover valuable treasures that harness the exceptional potential of lipids. Our pursuit of excellence involves seamlessly blending cutting-edge scientific advancements with a profound understanding of human desires. 


Through this synergy, we create products that offer unparalleled benefits, and where the lipids act as the catalysts for a new era of captivation. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of innovation and discovery.

Together, we can explore the vast potential of lipids and their ability to elevate properties and deliver unique benefits to conscious consumers

Redefining Self-Care with integrated home & personal care collection


Our Home & Personal Care solutions seamlessly integrate personal care and home care for a well-rounded and sustainable lifestyle.


We support practical and effective solutions to enhance home and personal care routines by prioritizing well-being and providing eco-conscious options that deliver results without compromising on effectiveness. From skincare essentials to eco-friendly cleaning solutions, our Home & Personal Care range aims to combine and offer quality, sustainability, and convenience.

Together, let's embark on a journey towards a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle!

Unleashing the power of sustainable packaging


In our unwavering pursuit of innovation, we have dedicated ourselves to the realm of sustainable packaging solutions. Recognizing the pressing need for environmentally conscious alternatives, we explore emerging categories to make a notable impact in the packaging industry. By prioritizing sustainability, we aim to develop packaging solutions that minimize environmental impact while meeting the demands of discerning and eco-conscious consumers.

Our commitment lies in providing functional packaging options that contribute to a greener future.

Join us in embracing the future of packaging, where sustainability and innovation converge. Together, let's make a positive difference by choosing sustainable packaging solutions that contribute to a better world.  

Approaching Business Models for Success


Business models play a pivotal role for companies, serving as a blueprint that outlines the creation, communication, and capture of value. They encompass essential elements such as revenue strategies, customer segmentation, distribution channels, and unique value propositions. A meticulously crafted business model acts as a strategic roadmap for revenue generation, guiding companies towards sustainable profitability.

Through the identification of target customer segments, businesses can effectively tailor their offerings to address specific needs and cultivate lasting customer loyalty.

At the core of a robust business model lies a distinctive value proposition that sets a company apart from the competition. This encompasses the unique benefits and advantages that deeply resonate with customers, establishing a brand's individuality and fostering a competitive edge.

Take the next step to refine your business model and tap into its potential. Explore new opportunities for value creation, refine your revenue strategies, and build valuable relationships with us.  

Challenge the industry with innovative ideas

If you believe you have what it takes to challenge the global food industry, we invite you to take part by proposing a new project in one of the following verticals:

Learn about our success stories

Through intrapreneurship and collaboration with strategic partners, we have tested our innovative capabilities.

Carolina explains how Alianza Team®'s first intrapreneurship came to life.

Juliana tells us about the experience of working with startups for a sustainable purpose from a logistics point of view.



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